Tax Directors Meeting - WTS Global
Wednesday 20 October 2021
Virtual meeting
11am - 3.30pm (CEST)
The timing for this year’s WTS Global Tax Directors Meeting could not be better as it takes place only one week after the next meeting of the G20 Finance Ministers scheduled for 12-13 October 2021. At this meeting, the much awaited ‘progress report’ of the 140 Members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS will be presented. This report includes key components of each Pillar and will contain a detailed implementation plan where remaining issues are expected to be finalized.
Against this backdrop, we are very happy to announce that Dr. Achim Pross, Head of the International Co-operation and Tax Administration Division Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the OECD, will join us and give insights into the latest developments and agreements. In our program we will focus on the key points from the G20 meeting with regards to the minimum tax of Pillar 2.
Our panelists from various industries and countries will share their company views and our official guests will discuss the consequences they foresee for multinational companies.
Alongside compliance adherence, one of the major challenges that multinational companies (MNCs) will face with regards to Pillar 2 is the determination of the tax base. In this context, the setting up of new company-wide processes and the implementation of new IT systems will be crucial for success. Which department will internally be in charge of the Pillar 2 process? Will it be the tax or the accounting department? How will MNCs manage with the huge block of additional resources needed for the calculation of the top-up tax as well as the assessment of any substantial carve-out rules?
In the second panel, we will take a look at the tax organization of the future. Now that political consensus on the fundamental principles of the Pillars has been reached, Global Heads of Tax will have to adjust their worldwide tax strategy, tax policies, tax controls, tax reporting, tax technologies and eventually their own organization to this permanent and increasing complex reality. Tax leaders will also explore how they lead their organization through this final transformation phase and will openly discuss the challenges that lie ahead of them, including dealing with societal stakeholder pressure.