+33 1 58 97 10 00

Paris Villiers ×

57, avenue de Villiers 75017 PARIS

+33 1 58 97 10 00


Arnaud is a Partner, Head of the Digital Tech & Data practice in Paris office of Fidal

Arnaud has developed a particular expertise that lies in its ability to understand the digital economy from a legal perspective.

Arnaud is a Partner, in charge of the Digital Tech & Data practice at Fidal Paris. He has over 25 years of experience in the field of IT law. He advises companies involved in digital activities (software companies, IT integrators, IT manufacturers, SSII, start-ups, etc.) as well as institutions and companies implementing secure IT solutions.

In close contact with the various departments (legal, purchasing, IT) and the client’s operational teams, he participates in the legal management of IT projects and/or assists clients in the settlement of difficulties related to the project’s drifts (including expert appraisals, out of court or judicially).

Arnaud is consulted in the event of information systems evolutions (digital transformation, Web 3.0, electronic archiving, cybersecurity, data management, web services, biometrics, AI, blockchain, etc.). He also advises clients to ensure compliance with the GDPR (he is designated as DPO for some clients).

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