26 June 2019


Fidal creates Fidal Green, its endowment fund to support and promote innovative projects in environmentally responsible development or preservation of the natural environment. Fidal Green signed an agreement on 26 June 2019 with one of the first two structures chosen by the scientific advisory board and which will receive support from the fund.

Fidal commits! global and long term action
Fully aware of the issues of social responsibility, well established regionally through its 90 offices and drawing on its expertise in environmental law, Fidal wants to reduce the impact of its professional activity on ecosystems and involve its professionals but also its various, clients and suppliers. Fidal wishes to rally around an eco-friendly policy for the preservation of the environment.

It is in this context that the firm has also initiated a five-year plan for the continuous improvement in energy consumption, mailings, business trips, recycling and consumables related to printing and copies …

Our firm’s commitment to an eco-friendly effort was natural. This fund will play an educational role and the aim is to raise the awareness of all our professionals of environmental issues via the management of a controlled and responsible ecological footprint for our activity”, stated Régis Lassabe, Fidal’s Chief Executive Officer.

Open and accountable governance
The Fidal Green fund, an embodiment of this environmental commitment, has a board of directors whose members are from the firm but also chosen from among Fidal’s clients and contractors. The board of directors is supported by a scientific advisory board responsible for analyzing and selecting the most promising projects, which will be supported by the fund. The firm has provided Fidal Green with €50 000. This initial endowment will be increased by part of the savings made by Fidal as part of its continuous improvement plan.

The first two projects supported by Fidal Green
One of the selection criteria for the funded projects is the possibility of involving Fidal’s professionals in their work. Fidal Green has chosen to support two innovative initiatives which aspire to reconcile environmental protection and economic and social development: the endowment fund Plantons pour l’avenir and the association Planète mer.

Plantons pour l’avenir an initiative in favor of reforestation as part of a sustainable management of French forests. Its mission is to provide direct support to private forest owners, who own 75% of French forests, to inform and foster awareness of the important role of forests and ultimately to contribute to the development of techniques and practices for innovative forestry management, adapted to the environmental challenges of tomorrow. To find out more, click here.

Planète Mer is a general interest association whose mission is to preserve living marine resources, biodiversity and the human activities that depend on them. Fidal Green supports, in particular, the BioLit project (coastal biodiversity), a participatory science program, which represents a unique approach in order to involve each citizen in the preservation of marine life. To find out more, click here.

The Fidal Green endowment fund is a strong and committed initiative set up to support and monitor projects which define the territory of an eco-friendly sustainable footprint in the long-term. Fidal wants each member of the firm to play an active role in the implementation of this project, bringing people together. Fidal Green therefore forms the basis of a genuine responsible civil commitment by the firm.